Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia

Breast Surgery » Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia

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Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce enlarged or excessive breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia is a condition that can lead to the development of enlarged breasts in males, which can cause discomfort, self-consciousness, and emotional distress.

Key points about male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery):


1. Procedure: During gynecomastia surgery, the surgeon makes small incisions around the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple) or in the underarm area. Through these incisions, excess breast tissue, fat, and, if necessary, glandular tissue are removed. Liposuction may also be used to remove excess fat. The procedure aims to create a flatter, more masculine chest contour.


2. Candidates: Male breast reduction surgery is suitable for men who have enlarged breast tissue due to gynecomastia. Candidates should be in good overall health and have stable weight, as significant weight fluctuations may affect the results.


3. Anesthesia: Gynecomastia surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort and safety during the procedure.


4. Recovery: After gynecomastia surgery, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. A compression garment may be provided to support the chest during the healing process. Most individuals can resume light activities within a week or two, but more strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks.


5. Results: The results of gynecomastia surgery are generally long-lasting. Patients can expect a flatter and more contoured chest, which can improve self-confidence and body image.


6. Safety: Gynecomastia surgery is considered a safe and effective procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the surgical outcomes, which should be discussed with the surgeon before the procedure.


It's essential for men considering gynecomastia surgery to have a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast procedures. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient's condition, discuss their goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable approach to achieve the desired results. They will also explain the potential risks and benefits of the procedure and provide pre-operative and post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.


Want to know more about   Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia    In Thailand,   Please consult     Professor Somyos Kunachak,he was trained in Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University School of Medicine as well as from several academic bodies in Europe and America. He has been practicing plastic surgery in Thailand for more than 25 years and is running a private practice alongside his career as a fulltime Educator for more than 20years.

During this period, Prof. Kunachak amassed training experiences not just in the field of Plastic Surgery, but also in Anti-Aging Medicine, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Chinese Acupuncture, Laser Medicine and Surgery, Minimal Invasive Surgery and while doing so, authored and published more than 30 scientific and medical researches.


Prof. Kunachak has just recently retired from the academe but his natural affinity to be an educator extends to accepting a consultancy position in his university for the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.


Yoskarn Clinic

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